Thursday, May 27, 2010

Day 3 of Detox....and I feel enlightened. Did you ever wake up one morning and know this was the day that begins all days.....I'm having that day. Mary Morrisey just called me....yeah Mary Morrisey called little ole' me.....well truth be told, it was recorded. Anyway. She just gave me the key to success on my journey. Kim, I swear, I will get what she said so you can listen to it. It will blow you away. Oh and as for the fish, click on the aqua blue part and feed them (this is me being embarrassed), hopefully you weren't sitting there clicking on the orange part....and thinking I was delusional or something. It's your life, make it yours.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Second day of Detox....nothing new to report. Did have some wild dreams last night.....remembered one and texted my friend who it applied to, she laughed. Also got a wee bit hot last night, but I do bundle up quit heavily, so not going to associate anything with it. I am getting very excited about my new journey. I feel like a race horse at the starting gate....chomping at the bit to go. I keep envisioning my legs looking thinner and purposely put on tight clothes and was happy knowing in a few weeks won't feel that anymore. It won't be easy, but will be worth it. Oh and if your following me, thank you so much I will need you in times ahead, and don't forget to feed my fish....just click on the orange background and watch them feed.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Well a couple hours after taking my first dose of the detox drops.....I feel a little buzzy. Now mind you they are detoxifying your fat. Your fat stores all sorts of stuff. Like if you smoke, nicotine gets stored in your fat cells. Anyway, must be working.
Just wanted to comment on this as it seems to be doing it's job.....YEAH!!!!
Starting weight 156.6 lbs.
Today is the day I am starting on my diet to end all diets. I am starting on the HCG program. I am going to do this and have an awesome time doing and will be love the results. Okay, detox for 1 week. 20 drops of homeopathic stuff into glass of water, once a day. Continue eating normally, while on detox. Read through the program. Become familiar with the workbook and foods and products that are allowed on the plan and start planning for the meals.
The hardest part was opening the bottles.
This is going to change my life.